Marcin Łyżwa

Dr. of Dental Medicine

A graduate of Comenius University of Bratislava, a scholarship holder at University of Medicine in Łódz. He developed his dental skills during a one-year stay in the United States and Canada. He participated in courses organized by Association of Polish Dentists (Stowarzyszenie Polskich Lekarzy Dentystów), Polish Dental Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne ) in aesthetic dentistry, prosthetics and oral surgery. He has been actively participating in trainings in implantology organized, among the others, by Polish Association of Dental Implantology (OSIS), and has been a member of Polish Endodontic Association. In our Clinic he specializes in prosthetics and oral surgeries including the latest techniques used in patients with a resorbed bone e.g. guided bone regeneration.

Diplomas and Certificates
